Saturday, November 17, 2012

Staten Island, in the wake of Sandy, are you thinking ... - Green Team

Don?t let Hurricane Sandy kill your dreams forever Staten Island. ?You do have choices and we want to help you explore them.

First of all, our hearts go out to all the families affected by Hurricane Sandy, especially those families in Staten Island. ?The north east coast has never seen such a catastrophic disaster and the bad news is that scientist say?it will only get worse?as the years go on. ?In other words, another Sandy will most likely strike Staten Island again. ?Maybe not next year, or the following year, but eventually, it will happen again. ?What is your plan?


The Green Team of Warwick?wants to help those families who are considering the prospect of moving off the island to avoid another?inevitable disaster. ?If such a prospect is on your mind, let us help you with the transition by giving us a call at?(845) 986-7730. ?We have risen to be a top selling Real Estate Agency in the Hudson Valley because of our relentless focus on the clients needs. ?The families of Staten Island need such a focus right now and we want to be the first to reach out and help those families in need!

We have affordable properties outside the city and far away from the threat of an ocean surge, like the one Staten Island suffered from. ?We understand that mostly everyone that lives in Staten Island works in the city. ?You may think that it will take longer to get to the city when living outside the five boroughs. ?Let me tell you that you are sadly mistaken! ?I grew up in?Suffern, NY?and when I graduated from high school (PS, Suffern has one of the best school systems in the country!) I went to college in mid-town?Manhattan. ?I enjoyed a smooth, uncrowded, quite?train ride directly into the city where I would catch up on some reading. ?It took me less, yes less, than an hour to get from my house to the?entrance?of my college. ?I had friends from Brooklyn and Staten Island who told me that it took them a minimum of an hour and a half to get into mid-town. ?Plus, they had to deal with the rough, crowed and loud commute.

See Staten Island, living outside the city may be your calling, you may have never realized it until Sandy. ?This may be the time for you to move.

There are a number of benefits I can layout here to living outside the city, but I won?t. ?If you have read this blog post this far, it is safe to say that the prospect of moving off the island is something you are seriously considering. ?You have concerns, you have questions. ?Call us and give us the?opportunity to address those concerns and answer those questions. ?Let our Team be your support group during this time of revaluation of your current living situation.

The number is?(845) 986-7730

From everyone here at The Green Team, we wish Staten Island the best and we hope for a quick return to?normalcy.


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